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  • Arts & Culture
  • Issue 39

New Challenge

Will TikTok change choreography? Words by Stephanie d'Arc Taylor. Photograph by Anastasia Lisitsyna for MY812.

Anywhere you go in the world, you can find the same café. You know the aesthetic: hanging plants, exposed brick, raw concrete. This ubiquitous aesthetic is traceable to Instagram. As the platform grew, businesses that wanted to attract the young and hip began taking design cues from the most popular Instagram photos. Interiors began to be designed from Instagram for Instagram.

The social media platform made millennial-chic interior design accessible to the aesthetically inclined from Tokyo to Tulsa. But Instagram, if you ask a Gen Zer, is desperately unhip. The social media platform du jour is TikTok, and the things people post most frequently on TikTok are snippets of themselves dancing. Could TikTok have the same impact on choreography as Instagram did on interior design?


This story is from Kinfolk Issue Thirty-Nine

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