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  • Arts & Culture
  • Issue 44

Socks and

Rehabilitating a fashion faux pas. Words by George Upton. Photograph by Yana Sheptovetskaya.

Of all the great fashion faux pas, none have endured quite like socks worn with sandals. Trends come and go—even “ugly sneakers” have had their moment in the spotlight—but our collective distaste for this particular look seems to transcend periods and cultures. 

But what is it about socks and sandals that jars so? It’s not as if wearing sandals by themselves is particularly controversial (unless you’re attending a business meeting or have been summoned to court), and the addition of socks is a practical solution when it’s hot and you expect to be walking long distances. It seems we are suffering a hangover from the Victorian era; we’ve inherited a horror of seeing underwear—that which should be hidden from view—displayed so


This story is from Kinfolk Issue Forty-Four

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