Hun ChoiDJ Hunee outlines his dance floor philosophy.

Hun ChoiDJ Hunee outlines his dance floor philosophy.

Issue 46

, Starters

  • Words Tom Faber
  • Photography Maxime Cardol

To see Hun Choi DJ is to witness someone who truly loves what he does. Where many DJs playing festival stages stare stonily at their equipment and relentlessly pump out high-octane club music, Choi is just as likely to take the energy down to a simmer with a mellow jazz number as he is to play a disco classic and whip off his shirt, beaming, to dance along with everyone else. His sets have an exploratory quality, so to be in his crowd is to feel as if you’re all embarking on a musical journey together. Born to South Korean parents in Germany, Choi rose in profile over the past two decades as a superb DJ under the stage name of Hunee (pronounced who-nee, a nickname used by family and friends). He’s lauded for his skills as a “digger,” meaning he has a knack for finding obscure an...


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