Kinfolk TravelSlower ways to see the world.

Kinfolk TravelSlower ways to see the world.

  • Photography (in order of appearance) Staffan Sundström, Suleika Mueller, Alexander Wolfe, Rodrigo Carmuega, Reagan Butler, Robin Falck & Seybi Ba

Do less—see more. This is the promise of slow travel: an invitation to explore the world at your own pace and on your own terms that work for both you and the people and places you encounter. It’s about enjoying the journey, getting off the grid and consciously connecting with communities old and new.

Celebrating the idea that travel is an attitude of discovery as much as it is an action or itinerary, Kinfolk Travel offers inspiration and ideas for slower and more thoughtful ways to experience culture, nature and community in over twenty-five destinations across six continents.

Through conversations with local guides, stunning photography, thoughtful essays and practical advice, Kinfolk Travel invites you to nurture a more meaningful relationship with the world—whether you’re five o...


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