Different Approaches: Tomás AlonsoSpanish designer Tomás Alonso makes time for both the big and the smaller projects, fascinated by different design constraints.

Different Approaches: Tomás AlonsoSpanish designer Tomás Alonso makes time for both the big and the smaller projects, fascinated by different design constraints.


"You're never alone as a designer."

What do you consider your primary design practice?

I’ve been running the studio for nearly 10 years now, and one of the things I’ve been chasing over that time is a diversity of projects—tackling a range of scales and contexts. For example, working with huge companies like IKEA while still allowing for smaller projects and playing around in the workshop. This has been the guiding ethos for the work I’ve been doing over the last 10 years.

How do you strike that balance between collaborating with large companies and doing your own work?

I’m still learning. I think with this job, and with life in general, it’s a constant learning curve and you grow a little every time you’re exposed to a new context. I enjoy exploring the different scales, and working with many kinds of pe...

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