Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses“I dwell in the city and the city dwells in me,” Juhani Pallasmaa writes.

Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses“I dwell in the city and the city dwells in me,” Juhani Pallasmaa writes.

“There is a strong identity between naked skin and the sensation of home."

Silence, Time and Solitude

The most essential auditory experience created by architecture is tranquillity. Architecture presents the drama of construction silenced into matter, space and light. Ultimately, architecture is the art of petrified silence. When the clutter of construction work ceases, and the shouting of workers dies away, a building becomes a museum of a waiting, patient silence. In Egyptian temples we encounter the silence that surrounded the pharaohs, in the silence of the Gothic cathedral we are reminded of the last dying note of a Gregorian chant, and the echo of Roman footsteps has just faded away from the walls of the Pantheon. Old houses take us back to the slow time and silence of the past. The silence of architecture is a responsive, remembering silence. A powerful...


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