Knut Bendik Humlevik

A conversation with the co-founder of New Works.


Disheartened by the too-slick state of Scandinavian design, Knut Bendik Humlevik launched New Works, a design house that pays tribute to natural materials and sculptural forms. Five years later, the company’s creative director still moves between the rustic and refined, dividing his time between his Copenhagen studio and a home in the Danish countryside.

What’s a typical day at the New Works office?
I split my time between creative work and running the business, but my partner, Nikolaj Meier, takes over most of the commercial part, what I’d consider the boring stuff, allowing me to focus on the collections. Still, the New Works team is just four people. We all have our hands in everything.

What’s a defining characteristic of your workspace?
We call our office a studio because it...


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