Last Night What did New York stylist Beverly Nguyen do with her evening?

Last Night What did New York stylist Beverly Nguyen do with her evening?

  • Words George Upton
  • Photograph Katie McCurdy

Beverly Nguyen says she is both an early riser and a night owl. Much like the famously indefatigable city that she calls home, the stylist needs only a few hours of sleep to balance high-profile fashion shoots with her homewares pop-up, Beverly’s. As she explains, when it comes to sleep, it’s all about quality, not quantity.

George Upton: What did you do last night?

Beverly Nguyen: I arrived in New York from Paris early evening. I have these little rituals when I land. I always go for a run to decompress, and when I get home I make myself an omelet, because I like to re-familiarize myself with my apartment. Then I had an iced coffee and a shot of YOLA Mezcal and later went out to a dinner hosted by a good friend. 

GU: Do you have a bedtime ritual?

BN: I have a skincare routine, whi...

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