MoMA Responds to Trump BanIn a display of solidarity for those affected by Trump's recent travel ban, one of the art world’s most established institutions is taking a stand.

MoMA Responds to Trump BanIn a display of solidarity for those affected by Trump's recent travel ban, one of the art world’s most established institutions is taking a stand.

Last week, New York’s Museum of Modern Art took the opportunity to rehang a significant portion of its permanent collection, replacing it with work by artists from countries whose citizens were banned from entering the US under President Trump’s executive order on immigration.

The artworks have been rehung on the fifth floor—usually home to works by Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and Francis Cabia. Now, the gallery features works from painter Ibrahim El-Salahi, architect Zaha Hadid, video artist Tala Madani, sculptor Parviz Tanavoli, draftsman Charles Hossein Zenderoudi, photographer Shirana Shahbazi and painter Marcos Grigorian.

MoMA plans to change out more of its permanent collection, and has also scheduled four screenings of films by directors subject to the ban: Al-Yazerli (197...


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