My Favorite Thing Conductor Roderick Cox views his baton as an extension of his own body. 

My Favorite Thing Conductor Roderick Cox views his baton as an extension of his own body. 

  • Words Stephanie d'Arc Taylor
  • Photograph Dennis Weber

A lot of people describe the baton as a wand, like Harry Potter would use. That’s not true, obviously, but there is some truth to it. The baton itself has to feel like an extension of your arm and body. 

It’s there to elevate what’s happening inside you, the music you’re trying to create. At first it was intended just to keep time, and it was a long staff. I forget the name of the composer, but he ended up stabbing himself in the foot with it and got a staph infection and died. So they moved from using a long staff to a stick. My baton is crafted out of an African wood. I had it custom-made by Chris Blount of Custom Batons when I was living in Minnesota.

The baton has to be a certain length based on how tall the person is. Ideally it’s balanced, it should sit on the finger,...

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