Rosie Lowe

London-based singer Rosie Lowe talks to us about creative recharging, the power of songwriting and the vulnerability inherent in live performance.

"When you separate yourself from everything, you’ve got license to try anything without that niggling, self-critical voice."

You’ve played so many concerts and festivals this year. How has performing been?

I don’t think you can ever be prepared for getting up and singing your own stuff. Starting when I was 11 or 12, I made money by playing saxophone in a jazz band with my dad on the weekends—and I was always really comfortable on stage. But as soon as I started doing my own music instead of jazz standards, it became a different experience entirely. It’s much harder; you’re so vulnerable. Now I really get stage fright—the first song is always terrifying, but after that I get over it. Then I love it and I never want it to end.

You grew up playing a variety of instruments. How do you fuse that with your process today?

I did, but I don’t anymore. At 13, I decided to focus on my singing, my songwriti...


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