Weekend Reading: Hikari YokoyamaPhilanthropist Hikari Yokoyama on five books that changed her thinking on gender and the balance of power.
Weekend Reading: Hikari YokoyamaPhilanthropist Hikari Yokoyama on five books that changed her thinking on gender and the balance of power.
"Women’s empowerment hasn’t been able to take hold universally to the point where it’s not an issue anymore."
The Mists of Avalon
Marion Zimmer (1983)
When I was a kid, adventurous and dreamy, I often indulged in fantasies about taming dragons and riding on horseback through forested ravines with streaming locks of auburn hair. My place of freedom was a patch of woods in my subdivision that was later bulldozed to build more houses. One summer, while browsing the annual library sale of old books, a thick navy book with no dust jacket and gold leaf embossed writing fell off the shelf in front of me. I took this as a sign. I bought the book for probably 25 cents and then and there, swore I would read it no matter what. The book happened to be the tales of King Arthur told through the perspective of his half-sister, Morgan le Fay. Rather than just being portrayed as an evil witch, she was a woman w...