How to Say NoAnd why you might want to.

How to Say NoAnd why you might want to.

Issue 49

, Starters

  • Words Suyin Haynes
  • Photograph George Byrne

Politely declining an invitation can be a tricky tightrope to walk. It’s fair to assume that most invites are extended with good intentions and sincerity, but sometimes seeing them pop up across a plethora of digital platforms can evoke an involuntary shudder. 

On the one hand, there are plenty of reasons why you should grab that coffee, why you should go to that party, why you should do that task. But on the other, it’s perfectly fine to simply not want to do any of these things. You don’t need to have an elaborate reason or another obligation to fulfill—just not feeling inclined is enough. 

It may sound a little cantankerous, but there is truth to the idea of recharging our social batteries—a phrase that seems to have seeped into popular vernacular lately. A 2020 study fro...

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