Neither Here Nor ThereWhen we embark on journeys with translator apps and spaghetti piles of charger cords, where is it that we really go?

Neither Here Nor ThereWhen we embark on journeys with translator apps and spaghetti piles of charger cords, where is it that we really go?

“Many modern vacationers seek opportunities for profound enrichment—to feel that they have learned and grown through their journeys”

It’s rare to hear anyone say that they’ve traveled too much or that there’s no place they’d like to go. As conversations about dream destinations unfold, it can seem that almost everyone nurtures a fantasy about some far-flung part of the world they’ve yet to see in person. Upon discovering someone in our midst who’s been to that singular spot, we adopt the cross-legged enthusiasm of children at story time and beg them to tell us more. We listen attentively, take mental notes and vow to one day see it for ourselves. With our sense of wonder piqued, we then go home and Google obscure abbeys in Edinburgh or scroll through Instagram geotags in Mauritius, seeking even more insider information. This trading of knowledge can often turn traveling into an international game of captu...


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