Staying True: Danielle ArpsDanielle Arps is the interior designer of choice for New York City's thriving start-ups.

Staying True: Danielle ArpsDanielle Arps is the interior designer of choice for New York City's thriving start-ups.


"The movement towards minimalism is partly about staying true to one’s beginnings, but also about being hyperfunctional."

How did you begin designing for start-ups?

My first big project was a start-up. I knew that if I did a great job, that’d give me a potential client base through word of mouth. The start-up culture is one where different companies meet up monthly (at each others’ spaces) and they grow rapidly.

What is distinct about the design needs of a start-up, as opposed to an established company?

Start-ups like Facebook and Google brought about a new office culture, one that’s more about collaboration and the idea of a community; there has to be a level playing field. Programmatically speaking, this generally means open offices. Through my work, I’ve discovered that open-plan offices don’t necessarily bode well for everyone. I’m more of an introverted person so I wouldn’t do well in this setting.


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